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The Best Way to compose lyrics

Want to write awesome lyrics? Here's how to get started:

  1. Start with your feelings
    Write down emotions you're experiencing right now. Are you happy? Sad? In love? Angry? Your real feelings make the best lyrics.
  2. Keep a notes app or journal
    Cool ideas can pop up anytime! Save interesting phrases, words, or thoughts in your phone or notebook. These can become lyrics later.
  3. Listen to your favorite songs
    Pay attention to how your favorite artists write their lyrics. What makes them special? How do they tell their stories?
  4. Use the AABA format
    Most songs follow this pattern:
    - Verse (A)
    - Verse (A)
    - Bridge or Chorus (B)
    - Verse (A)
  5. Practice with writing prompts
    Try these websites for inspiration:
    - Masterclass Writing Prompts

Pro Tip: Don't try to make everything rhyme perfectly. Modern songs often use 'near rhymes' (like time/mind) or don't rhyme at all!

Additional Resources:
- Berklee College of Music - Songwriting Tips
- Coursera Songwriting Course

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