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The Best Way to cancel verizon fios

Here's how you can cancel Verizon Fios in just a few steps:

  1. Call Verizon at 1-844-837-2262
  2. Tell them you want to cancel your service. Remember, you need to be the account owner or have permission from the account owner to cancel.
  3. Return your equipment within 30 days to avoid extra charges. You can:
    • Take it to a Verizon store
    • Use the free shipping box they'll send you

Pro Tips:

  • Best time to call: Early morning or late evening when wait times are shorter
  • They might try to convince you to stay with special offers - stick to your decision if you're sure!
  • Take photos of your equipment before returning it

Important: If you're still under contract, you might have to pay an early termination fee. Ask about this during your call!

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