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The Best Way to age whiskey

Note: You must be of legal drinking age to make or consume alcohol in your country.

Aging whiskey is a process that makes it taste better and smoother. Here's how it works in simple steps:

  1. Start with new, unaged whiskey (called 'white dog' or 'moonshine')
  2. Get an oak barrel (most important part!)
  3. Store the barrel in a place that's not too hot or cold (room temperature is good)
  4. Wait at least 2-3 years (longer is usually better)

The oak barrel is super important because:

  • It adds vanilla and caramel flavors
  • It gives the whiskey its brown color
  • It makes the whiskey smoother to drink

Whiskey Still Pro
Science Direct - Whiskey Aging Study

Remember: Making alcohol at home can be dangerous and is illegal in many places if you're under the legal drinking age or don't have proper permits.

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